Scary Stats
Are you afraid to create content for your podcast? Have you even started one yet? What are the reasons holding you back? Anyone entering into the world of creating content knows that we’re living in a noisy time. Attention spans are dropping, …
Cooking Data
A lot has been said about the potential of big data in the marketing realm. We also know that, thanks to increasing digitalisation, many businesses find themselves with a wealth of data without necessarily knowing what to do with it or where …
Historical Data
Using your data is essential for growing a business, but how much data do you actually need? In principle, the more data we have, the better. However, the past 10 to 20 years have seen an exponential rise in available data, both …
Creative Data
You’re probably familiar with the phrase “lies, damn lies, and statistics”. It’s primarily a complaint against the “creative” use of data. Of course, it’s also a witty aside about the power of data to mislead, which tells us something about propaganda and …
Let’s Make a Movie
Mark Twain once said, “There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn, and they make new …
Top Five Signs You Need to Start a Podcast
Podcasting, once the domain of hobbyists, has grown into a massive industry. Despite being a relatively recent phenomenon, podcasts were incredibly quick to rise in popularity after the audible revolution in 2004. Today, there are 750,000 podcast shows available across many different streaming services; that’s over 30 million …
Five Brands That Have Mastered the Art of Brand Story Design
A brand story is the narrative around your brand identity that inspires an emotional reaction in your audiences. It isn’t only about words on a page; it’s about ensuring that everything about your brand – every interaction your audience has with it …
Why All Marketing Today Should Be Content Marketing
What is the distinction between traditional marketing and content marketing? Just like traditional marketing, content marketing is the driving force behind high-level engagement and audience interaction. Content marketing is used to generate demand across all stages of a buyer’s journey by delivering …