The Meaning of Data
Do we all need to be data analysts? We all understand the potential of marketing data. It has a vital role to play in our understanding and optimisation of all our marketing activities. We all, also, understand that simply amassing data isn’t …
How Big Data and Artificial Intelligence are Changing Marketing
We create dizzying amounts of data every day. By 2020, in each and every second, we will generate 1.7MB of data for every person on earth. On a global basis, we’re now measuring data in exabytes and zettabytes: trillions and quintillions of bytes. Research group IDC …
Good Morning Data: Data vs Intuition in Marketing
Is data replacing intuition and creativity in marketing? Marketing data is accessible, timely and (usually) easy to work with. In digital marketing, it’s both the input and the reward. We’re rapidly amassing data points on our customers, and if we know how …