
Brand Positioning and Promises

brand positioning

the difference you make.

Defining your Brand Positioning and formulating your Brand Promises is the cornerstone of having an aligned brand image in the market. Your brand positioning establishes how you will differentiate yourself in your customers mind and your brand promises describe the unique experience you want to offer them. When your Brand Positioning and Promises are clear, they represent a guiding objective for all your content marketing efforts and give you a tangible measure for success.

Defining your Brand Positioning means always having clarity on what makes you special in the mind of your customers. Formulating your Brand Promises serves as a reminder of the experience you owe your audience.


brand positioning

1. Interview Stakeholders

We interview key stakeholders and compile an independent analysis of your brand culture and values.

2. Competitive Analysis

Our competitive analysis exctracts the brand positioning and promises of your competitors and highlights how you can differentiate your brand.

3. Brand Positioning and Promises Workshop

In this workshop, we work through the interview and competitive analysis results with your team and review a first selection of brand positioning statements and promises.

4. Brand Positioning and Promises Guide

Your Brand Positioning and Promises are written up and reviewed by our team of content strategists and editors. OTM provides you with a comprehensive guide on how to use your new positioning and promises to full effect.


Your Brand Positioning is your guide

Developing your Brand Positioning statement is key to align all your content marketing efforts. It creates a clear picture of how you want to be seen by whom. Every effort you make should be focused on making your brand positioning stronger.

Use your Brand Promises as tag lines and slogans

Strong Brand Promises demonstrate your customer-centricity. They are great one-liners that serve as a foundation to formulate taglines and slogans that will attract your audience while remaining aligned with your brand positioning.

An important metric for content marketing success

A Brand Positoning statement brings clarity but also a clear focus point for all your content marketing efforts. Once you have a clear positioning goal, you also have a way to measure the success of your strategy by asking 'Is what we are doing making our brand positioning stronger?'
brand promises

We believe in the power of content!

Learn how content marketing can help your brand achieve a stronger positioning and ensure you reach your audience.